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Quality Management Philosophy

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Quality Management Philosophy

Quality Management Philosophy

The core of our quality management activities is the three practical episodes: quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement. We impose control over “all processes, all staff and all aspects”.


Eight principles of quality management:
Focus on customers: At the very beginning, PromisingChem has been inclined to think from a perspective of customers. To this end, we think what challenges are met, what products are valuable and how to make customers to experience something more wonderful. Customers need more than satisfaction; they need transcendence.
Leadership: PromisingChem creates a situation in which “both leaders and employees are of the same ambition”; it develops a kind of force that motivates the entire staff to the greatest extent. This is because general employees cannot solve all problems.  
Participation by all employees: Each employee of PromisingChem is proactive and passionate. In the corporate spirits of meticulousness, progressiveness and craftsmanship, they devote themselves to the cause of PromisingChem. They strive for a good vision.
Process methodology: A product manufactured is a waste of resource if it has no added value. We provide customers with good products and services by carrying out internal control over each process. In other words, we care about and serve each process or technique the same way we treat our customers.
Systematic management: It is like an apple tree in which quality, cost and productivity are the fruits (results), and improvement of water/nutrition feed and pesticide measures are the cause. We use a systematic approach to obtaining the fruits of best quality, cost and productivity.
Continued improvement: Continued improvement is the everlasting pursuit of PromisingChem. In other words, it can be expressed by “FFII”: Fastness, Flexibility, Innovation and Improvement.
Strategy making:Data mean everything. All strategies are made on the data and information analysis. We answer what customers exactly desire? To what extent we have satisfied our customers?
Relationship with sub-suppliers: We base our business not only on prices, but also on the total minimal costs. We establish a long-term loyalty and trust with sub-suppliers. We link the sub-suppliers from supply chain and the end users together, in order to create common value and to increase customer satisfaction.


Promising Chemicals Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-731-85328848
Email: sales@promisingchem.com
Promising Minerals Co., Ltd.
Tel: +86-731-85328848
Email: sales3@promisingchem.com

Better Chemicals (Hong Kong) Co.,LTD
Mob: +86-13920232355
Email: mavis@promisingchem.com
PLMineral Liaison Office in Canada
Contact: Ms. Jerlyn
Tel: +86-604-636-4698
Email: sales@promisingchem.com

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